Monday, January 15, 2007

This weekend I went to a town called Kalocsa to visit my friend Flora. We traveled to her grandparents town, called Faisz, and attended her family's annual Disznóvágás, translated as a pig killing. Luckily, Flora and I arrived after the slaughter, but not late enough to miss all of the meat being prepared. We spent the rest of the day helping to cook and clean, and then had a big feast.

One good part of the day was that I found a dog to play with. Dogs aren't always very friendly here in Hungary - they are used mostly for guarding - but this dog wanted to jump and play and be petted, and I was very much obliged :)

This picture is of Flora and me standing next to the table where all of the large slabs of pork were being prepared :O!!

I don't know what that was hanging on the fence, but it was the first thing I saw when we pulled up in the car and I have to assume it's some kind of fat. It was being dried in the sun and man did it smell bad!

Here I am in the smokehouse. It smelled bad in there too. But it was pretty funny to be surrounded by rows and rows of sausage. Flora and I had a good laugh :)

Here is me and Flora, waiting for the feast to begin :)

Okay, be prepared that the rest of the photos are kind of graphic and pretty gross...

This is Flora's dad, pretty pleased with his efforts... ;)

Here is one of the men working hard...

These women were taking the meat off the pig from the men and preparing it... We didn't spend much time out here ;)

So, that was my Saturday. We got back to Flora's house around 9 pm, all took showers, and had something to settle our stomachs from all the meat we ate. It was something I'm sure not to forget for a long time!


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Hey Lauren,
So I want to apologize for being a bum and a bad friend and not even really replying or acknowledging your comments on my blog, which clearly on some level show thought and interest. So thank you for that. I don't know how to apologize really, but I will say I am sorry for the lack of communication. It was not intentional or malicious, I just never got back to you. So sorry.

I have been catching up some on what you have been up to over there, but I thought that maybe instead of me just reading back through months of blogging, maybe you could give me a personal summary or update and let me know what is going on. What do you think about that?

Talk to you soon. God bless.


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