Friday, June 23, 2006

Written on 06/22/06 at 3:00 a.m. (Eastern time)

This picture is the view from my plane window - somewhere between Frankfurt and Budapest.

I am writing this blog from 30,000 feet above you. I’m on my flight from Frankfurt to Budapest. Only 30 minutes to go until I am officially in Hungary – ready to start my year!

It’s been a very, very long two days. I woke up Tuesday morning, intent on heading out early to complete my errands and tasks merely one day before my departure. My sister Clare kindly tagged along and by noon, I had finished purchasing travel sized items, CD cases, toiletries, and power converters. I then headed straight for my room, determined not to leave until I was completely packed and ready to go.

I left my room at two a.m., tired, stressed, frustrated, and all around ready to harm the bathroom scale that continually told me that my suitcases were too heavy. I decided that there was nothing more I could take out or put in (although the next morning, I did another major packing rearrangement) and called it a night. At 3 a.m. I was still awake and headed downstairs to try and combat my insomnia (aka nervousness) with some terrible middle-of-the-night television.

I didn’t sleep at all that night and finally got off the couch at 7 am to run some final errands (things I had forgotten the day before) and try and de-stress. A trip to Starbucks (which I have decided makes the world’s best bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches), target, and Barnes and Noble for the newly released Counting Crows live album, and I was set. A couple of last minute arrangements and tasks and all of a sudden it was time to go to the airport. My close girlfriends came by to send me off and we had a tearful goodbye in the driveway. That was repeated in the airport with my family, and before I knew it, I was alone at the gate, ready to begin my journey.
Praise the Lord that there were no problems with checking it, nor with my tickets, or my luggage. I got on both flights with ease and now I am just waiting to land…


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