Thursday, May 11, 2006

I arrive in Hungary six weeks from today! I can't believe that this time has flown by and that I'm actually preparing myself to leave. I have my suitcases, my plane ticket, my passport, and I've sold off all my stuff. All that's needed is the last third of my support.

I have all of my launch support raised and 67% of my monthly support raised! God has been so amazing. I've seen Him work in the heart of those around me and in myself too! He has truly blessed me with the people that I've met with and the new friendships I've formed. I have the most wonderfully uplifting team of ministry partners. The more people I tell, the more excited I get to start the Lord's work in Hungary!

I thank you so much for your prayers. I would ask right now that you pray for my leaving. I have grown extremely close to a group of girls here in Northern Virginia and I am going to be very sad to leave them. I didn't expect to get close to anyone in the short time I've been here, but God completely blessed me with old friends and new friends and now I have to say goodbye to them for at least a year. Pray that we are diligent with keeping in touch and that our friendships will grow even stronger through the distance.

I hope you all received my latest prayer letter (if not, don't worry - it's in the mail!). I will try to send out one more before I leave and then on a regular basis once I arrive in Hungary!

Thank you all, so much, for your prayer and support. It means so much to me that I'm not going through this alone, but with you :)

In Christ,


Please direct any and all comments and/or questions to


At 11:30 AM, Blogger natala said...

How exciting for you... It sounds like every thing is coming together. I hope the next few weeks are filled with a lot of peace and joy as you continue to prepare.


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