Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The time is near...

In exactly 14 days from today, I will be boarding a plane for Budapest, Hungary. Or that's the plan at least. Yesterday I received a call from the project director informing me that since I have a one-way ticket, I am going to have trouble leaving the States. Apparently, once I get on the plane, I am free and clear. With a valid passport, Hungary will let me into the country for three months on a "tourist visa" (nothing). But without a valid residence visa, or documentation explaining why I don't have a return ticket or a residence visa, America will not let me leave. The reason I don't have a residence visa is that I can't get one until I get there. The Hungarian government will not allow me to apply for a residence visa until I sign a contract and establish a residence. I can't do that until I get to Hungary, but America won't let me leave without it. Do you see the Catch 22 I am in?

This afternoon I plan to spend on the phone with the airline, figuring out exactly what kind of documentation is required to replace a visa. Campus Crusade headquarters will provide me with some of what I need, but I may need to contact the embassy in Hungary as well.

Please pray for me in the coming days. I only have two weeks left to get ready for Hungary, and now I have worry on top of it. I explained my frustration to my parents last night and my dad said, "Well of course you would run into something like this. Satan doesn't want you to go!" He is absolutely right, but I will not let the devil get me down. God has blessed me too much and I have worked too hard to let one little problem get in my way.

Pray that I can explain my situation clearly to the airline and that they are honest and helpful with me. Pray that I can work this out by the end of the week so that I can enjoy my weekend and begin packing!

Support wise, I am feeling great. I have over 100% of the special need donations and over 80% of my monthly need. I know what you're thinking: "She only has two weeks and she still needs 20% of her support?!" Yes, that is true, but trust me when I say that that is enough time to raise $300 a month and I am confident in my Lord to provide what I need. Pray that I am diligent over the next two weeks and can leave for Hungary with 100% of my support.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support. The encouragement I feel when I speak to you just warms my heart. I will be sending out a prayer letter just before I leave with a prayer calendar, my itinerary, and contact information. After that, all of my letters will come from Hungary!

God Bless and thank you again :)

With love, Lauren

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